Heya! You were probably referred to this site directly from me. So, this website is a blog, basically. Like Tumblr or FriendProject.

I'll be making tons of posts on here until I inevitably forget I even made it. I'll try to post every day, but I can't promise anything. Some of the things that'll be on here are:
- 1. Music I enjoy. For example:
- *Playlists from my spotify
*Song links
*Recommended bands/artists w/hyperlinks
- 2. 'Journal' entries. Like I said before, this is a virtual diary/blog.
- 3. Projects under construction. I'll probably make a section for that later.
- 4. Art
- 5. Pictures! So like... selfies from trips and stuff!
- 6. Stories/story ideas
If you are NOT a friend/family member I referred to this site... who even are you? Get lost!!